News and Events:

 27 Feb-2 Mar Cold Wars This will be in Gettysburg. See for details.

22 Mar Battle Tech tournament in honor of Lt Cdr. Ben Cain (1984-2024).  Money raised goes to a charity to support colorectal cancer.  Huzzah Hobbies. See Best Coast pairings – Ben Cain tournament for further details. 

28-30 Mar Game Day Sponsored by Game Club of Maryland at the Crown Plaza in Annapolis.  For details 

20-25 June. US Open Memoir ’44.  This will be hosted at the USMC Museum at Quantico.  See


Historical Miniatures 

Alexandria Area Weekday

Your Hobby Place, 700 N Washington Alexandria VA 22314 Phone 571-312-5946.

Monday                        SAGA

Tuesday                       Kill Team

Wednesday                  Blood Bowl

Wednesday         Bolt Action  (contact Jeff Whitlock (

Thursday                      Stars War Legion

Weeknight games start at 6:00 p.m.

Alexandria Area Saturday-Sunday


John Drye hosts historical games at  Your Hobby Place (700 N Washington Alexandria VA 22314 571-312-5496) on Saturdays and Sundays. For further information John at Masks optional.

Fairfax West  Friday

7 Mar       WWII 15mm Fireball Forward                     

GM: Tim Tilson 

Scenario: Norway.  May 1940.  A Polish Mountain Bn. supported by French H39 tanks, attacks a German company outside Narvik.   

Location: 1623 Hiddenbrook Dr. Herndon VA 20170.

14 Mar      Medieval             15mm                  Might of Arms   

GM: TBA         

Scenario:  TBA

Location: 1623 Hiddenbrook Dr. Herndon VA 20170.

21 Mar       Napoleonic                   28mm                   Berezina 1812     DeWitt Home Rules


GM: DeWitt.

Location: 6491 Trillium House Lane Centreville VA 20120

28 Mar             Command and Colors Night

GM:  Tilson

 Scenario:  Marengo.  One of Napoleon’s most famous victories from his early Italian phase. We will use figures albeit in Imperial Shakos and not Republican bicornes. This scenario will handle only four players, so gamers should bring their own copies of C&C Napoleonic, Ancients and Memoir ’44.

Location: Sully District Government Center (aka the Police Station) Community Room, 4900 Stonecroft Blvd Chantilly VA 20151

All games start at 6:30 p.m.  Masks are strongly recommended. For further information on the games above contact  Tim Tilson at

Loudon County Friday 

Flames of War Fridays 1:00 P.M. Huzzah Hobbies (44927 George Washington Blvd Ashburn VA 20147) for historical scenarios. The games generally conclude about 5:30 p.m. Contact Jay Mischo at

3rd Friday of the Month Creative Pursuit Games, 29 Catoctin Cir SE, Leesburg, VA 20176 Phone: (703) 777-8605  Masks required.  

Fantasy Miniatures

Dungeons and Dragons

Monday 6:30 pm at Creative Pursuit Games 29 Catoctin Cir SE, Leesburg, VA 20176 Phone: (703) 777-8605  Masks required.

D&D Adventure League Monday 6:30 pm Hashtag Arena  13320 Suite G Franklin Farm Rd Herndon VA 20171. Phone: (703) 817-2613 Masks decided by customers.

War Hammer 

Friday 6:00 PM  Huzzah Hobbies 44927 George Washington Blvd. Ashburn VA 20147 Phone (703) 46600460. Masks required.

Saturday Creative Pursuit Games, 29 Catoctin Cir SE, Leesburg, VA 20176 Phone: (703) 777-8605  Masks required.

Board & Card Games

 Kingstown Gaming Brigade

8, 22 and 23 Mar

This group plays military board games such as Axis and Allies, and games by Avalon Hill,  Columbia, GMT etc.  They meet at the Kingstown Senior Center  6448 Landsdowne Center Alexandria VA 22315.  Gaming start at 9:00 a.m.  Masks optional.  For further info contact Don Berry ( or Fred Bauer ( 


Advanced Squad Leader

15 Mar  10:00 a.m. Martha Washington Library, 6614 Fort Hunt Road, Alexandria, VA 22307.

29 Mar  8:00 a.m. American Legion Post #177, 3939 Oak St, Fairfax, VA 22030.  

For info contact Dave Wiesenhahn at

Board Games/Card Games 

Sunday 5:00 6:30 p.m. Hashtag Arena  13320 Suite G Franklin Farm Rd Herndon VA 20171. Phone: (703-817-2613) Masks decided by customers.

Tuesday  6:30 p.m. Hashtag Arena, 13320 Suite G Franklin Farm Rd Herndon VA 20171. Phone: (703-817-2613) Masks decided by customers.

Wednesdays 6:30 pm Hashtag Area 6:30 pm Hashtag Arena  13320 Suite G Franklin Farm Rd Herndon VA 20171. Phone: (703)-817-2613.  Masks decided by customers.

Saturday All Day Comics and Games Pair o Dice 10385 Main St, Fairfax, VA 22030 Phone: (703) 865-8110 Mask required

Hero Clix

Sunday 1:00 pm Comics and Games Pair o Dice 10385 Main St, Fairfax, VA 22030 Phone: (703) 865-8110 Mask required



Monday 7:00 pm Magic Commander Comics and Games Pair o Dice 10385 Main St, Fairfax, VA 22030 Phone: (703) 865-8110 Mask required.

Wednesday Magic Legacy  all Day Comics and Games Pair o Dice 10385 Main St, Fairfax, VA 22030 Phone: (703) 865-8110 Mask required.

Friday 7:00 pm   Creative Pursuit Games 29 Catoctin Cir SE, Leesburg, VA 20176 Phone: (703) 777-8605  Mask required.

Friday 7:00pm Huzzah Hobbies 44927 George Washington Blvd, Ashburn, VA 20147 Phone: (703) 466-0460 Mask required.

Friday 7:00 pm. Comics and Games Pair o Dice 10385 Main St, Fairfax, VA 22030 Phone: (703) 865-8110 Mask required.

Friday 7:00 pm Hashtag Arena 13320 Suite G Franklin Farm Rd Herndon VA 20171.  Phone (703-812-2613) Masks decided by customers.

Friday 7:00 pm Your Hobby Place 700 N Washington St Alexandria VA 22314. Phone (571)-312-5946 Masks optional.


MTG Modern

Wednesday  600 pm             MTG Modern

 $10 per person. Your Hobby Place 700 N. Washington St Alexandria Va 22314.  Phone (571)-312-5946 Masks Optional.


Sunday All Day Comics and Games Pair o Dice 10385 Main St, Fairfax, VA 22030 Phone: (703) 865-8110 Mask required.

Tuesday 6:00 pm Comics and Games Pair o Dice 10385 Main St, Fairfax, VA 22030 Phone: (703) 865-8110 Mask required.

Thursday 6:00 pm Hashtag Arena 13320 Suite G Franklin Farm Rd Herndon VA 20171.  Phone: (70) 817-2613 Masks decided by customers.

Star War RPG 

Sunday 1:00 pm Comics and Games Pair o Dice 10385 Main St, Fairfax, VA 22030 Phone: (703) 865-8110 Mask required.



Wednesday 5:00-9:00 pm Creative Pursuit Games 29 Catoctin Cir SE, Leesburg, VA 20176 Phone: (703) 777-8605  Mask required.